Friday, July 15, 2011

Getting back on schedule...

I've been a terrible blogger for the last month or so...aye aye aye. I'm not sure where the time goes because I feel so behind on so many things...I am in the process of uploading nearly 300 photos that I hadn't done yet, Henry's birthday invites haven't gone out, my side of the bed is a series of piles of stuff that can probably be tossed or put away, etc etc etc. But here I am now so...

Since our last entry we've started getting things done in the new house....nothing big but Henry's room is almost done being painted, our room has its first coat, we bought new electric outlet plate covers, new airvent covers, interviewed two contractors for kitchen/bathroom work, etc. I am really anxious just get everything done so we can get settled but I know it's going to take some time, especially with wanting to wait until the contractors are done with what they are doing, Eddie's work schedule, Henry's schedule, etc.

Eddie and I both traded in our outdated phones for smartphones last week. I didn't think I really wanted/needed one but after having it I've got to say that I am really liking it. I love that I can snap photos or shoot a video and then post it immediately to Facebook. Makes it pretty convenient to keep people up to date with what we're doing. I need to figure out how to upload those photos to the computer so I can load them here as well.

Henry continues to grow and develop at an almost alarming rate. He's become a pro at climbing up steps (but not down), points at things he wants, is very expressive and is just a general fun kid to be around....despite his recent napping protests. He'll be turning 11 months old tomorrow, which just amazes me. I can't believe that he's going to be a year old soon. Time really does fly.

Yesterday we went to Adma's Farm in a neighboring town. I had seen it online in the fall when we were looking for a pumpkin patch to go to and when we got up yesterday it was a BEAUTIFUL and mild day so I figured it was a good day for an adventure. The farm has a greenhouse and lots of plants that we didn't see this time because we spent so much time looking at the animals. Henry thought the goats and sheep were hilarious. He was also very interested in the chickens until the roosters started going nuts and cockledoodledooing. It was fun to take him there and to see him react to the animals. It makes me excited for future trips to zoos.

Tomorrow morning Karen, Ellen and I are running a 5K at a local small airport. It's on their runway so it will be a nice flat course! I haven't run since the 5K on the 4th of July so I'm not really looking forward to it!

I'm going to get this up and posted and will do a separate catch-up photo entry this weekend once I weed through the ones I uploaded. Thank you, readers, for your patience with my unpredictable posting schedule lately!

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